Ölmönger: Ölbeat 332 (BC17 #19): Sonnisaari Juomahammas II

Brewery: Sonnisaari (in Finnish)
Country: Finland
Style: Imperial Porter
Abv: 11 %

What about the beer?
Colour is black with a small beige head. Aroma has milk chocolate, vanilla, sweet roast and oak. Taste starts with bitter chocolate roast. Sweet milk chocolate and bitter roasted malts take over with hints of vanilla and oak. Towards the end sweet roasted malts, dark chocolate and spicy oak flavour get on top with soft boozy warmth. Aftertaste has bitter dark chocolate, sweetish roasted malts and oaky-spicy whisky bite – and it lasts.
Warming and delicious Imperial Porter. Chocolate, oak, roast, spices, booze – complex and layered rich flavours. Finish is phenomenal. Hard to tell whether I loved this one more than the sherry version. Absolutely beautiful brew.


Searching for great Finnish craft beer can sometimes seem to be ”hunting high and low and even in between”, if high is considered to be the Northern Finland and low the Southern Finland. This time we caught an excellent brew from one of the breweries up north.
Stratovarius: Hunting High And Low (YouTube)
From the 2000 album Infinite, the song was written by Timo Tolkki and Timo Kotipelto.