Ölmönger: Ölbeat 303: Põhjala Cellar Series: Pime Öö Islay BA

Brewery: Pôhjala
Country: Estonia
Style: Imperial Stout
Abv: 13,6 %

What about the beer?
Colour is black with no visible head – just thin beige halo. Aroma has syrupy malts, sweet roast and fruity booze. Taste begins with sweet boozy roast. Sweet chocolate roast and peaty-smoky booze take over with dark fruits and malts lingering in the background. Towards the end strongly sweet peaty malts and boozy dark grapes step on top of bitter whisky smoke. Aftertaste has sweet booze-soaked raisins, malty chocolate and spicy alcohol.
Sweet, boozy and smoky Imperial Stout. The Islay whisky comes out as recognizable peaty smoke and alcohol that wraps around malty sweet roast and fruity flavours of the basic brew nicely. Really slow, complex and extremely enjoyable Imp. Aging could round the sweet and boozy edges a bit, but nevertheless this is powerfully beautiful show from Põhjala again. Had this at Kaisla, Helsinki, since didn’t have the patience to wait it to hit the monopoly selection (if it ever actually does…).


The song has probably no other similarities with the beer except the darkness. This is one song that just had to be connected with a strong black ”drownable” brew:”We build cathedrals to our pain / Establish monuments to attain / Freedom from all of the scars and the sins / Lest we drown in the darkness within.” I think this one fits the description.
Machine Head: Darkness Within (YouTube)
From the 2011 album Unto the Locust, the song was written by Robert Flynn, Phil Demmel and Dave McClain.