Ölmönger: Skitbit Sep 2017: Hartwall Lahden Erikois IPA

Brewery: Hartwall
Country: Finland
Style: Session IPa— 
Abv: 4,7 %

What about the beer?
Colour is golden yellow with a large white head. Aroma has lemon, grapefruit and mild fruity notes. Taste starts with very mild citrus. Nothing special or nothing ordinary – except the waiting for something to replace the thin watery malty flavour – takes over. Towards the end there’s faint grapefruit bitterness and some malty sweetness. Aftertaste has mild pine and harsh cardboardy citrus bitterness.
Harmless, tasteless and forgettable Session Ale. Baa-ad watery stuff, ugly caricature of a hop-driven brew. This would probably go ok with some spicy food since its flavour could be enhanced a bit, but I would prefer a usual lager after sauna to this. As a beer, this didn’t have any on- and only some off-flavours, so it’s 0 points for the macro brewery and relegation to the 5th division. It’ll take some time for me to pick anything from Hartwall again.


Things are going shitty in Lahti, Finland. The city is running out of good breweries – Teerenpeli is at its best mediocre and the others are bad or out of business. There aren’t too many good pubs around – actually none. The music from the Chicago of Finland is worse than shit, the following example is a fine example of how bad things can go without good beer around.
Arttu Lindeman: Läikkyy (YouTube)
Published as a single 2016, the song was written by DJ Fresh and Diplo as Earthquake (and copied later by a bunch of incompetent d**kheads for this song).