Ölmönger: Ölbeat 305: Einstök Toasted Porter
Brewery: Einstök Ölgerð
Country: Iceland
Style: Porter
Abv: 6,0 %
What about the beer?
Colour is black with a large fluffy tan head. Aroma has salty roast, grainy malts and rye bread. Taste starts with bitter charred roast. Charred malts and bitter cocoa take over with some salty espresso on the side. Towards the end the charred bready malty main flavour gets some salty roasted caramel and bitter dark chocolate side tones. Aftertaste has dry roasted malts and bitter espresso.
Rich and very roasty Porter. Charred malts dominate with caramel, chocolate and coffee joining the bitterness on the background. Excellent brew from Iceland.
The previous beer from the brewery took us to the world of vikings. Now the Icelanders are stuck with the theme. This time the brew is slightly darker, and so is the music.
Amon Amarth: Guardians of Asgaard (YouTube)
From the 2008 album Twilight of the Thunder God, the song was written by Amon Amarth.