Ölmönger: Ölbeat 282: Hiisi Hati
Brewery: Panimo Hiisi (in Finnish)
Country: Finland
Style: Saison
Abv: 5,7 %
What about the beer?
Colour is hazy yellow with a medium-sized white head. Aroma has lemon, sour apple and yeast. Taste starts with spiky fruity tartness. Tart lemon and spicy fruity yeast take over with some wheat-malty sweetness. Towards the end sour-sweet citrus takes the upper hand. Aftertaste has sour-bitter citrus and spicy dryness.
Refreshing fruity and spicy Saison. Tart-sour citrus is nicely supported by yeast, wheat and spiciness. Fine summer ale from Hiisi.
According to Norwegian folklore, Hati (“He Who Hates”) is a warg, a wolf that chases the moon to swallow it during the Ragnarök, an apolyptical event. The wolf is obviously hungry for the rock that the Moon consists of. In this classic pop song, there’s some different kind of hunger. Norwegian electropop hustlepuff that the brewery recommends just doesn’t fit to the picture.—
Duran Duran: Hungry Like the Wolf (YouTube)
From the 1982 album Rio, the song was written by Duran Duran.