Bubble Cruise Tallink Silja 28.3

Ölmönger: Ölbeat 261: Mufloni Saison de Randonneur

Brewery: Beer Hunter’s (in Finnish)
Country: Finland
Style: Saison
Abv: 6,5 %

What about the beer?
Colour is hazy golden orange with a large white head. Aroma has fruity yeast and sour-sweet fruits. Taste starts with sour fruity bite with strong yeast. Fruity sour citrus and funky yeast flavours take over. Near the finish some raisins and sour apple is added. Aftertaste has fruity dryness and sourness.
Fresh, balanced and delicious Saison. The sour yeasty citrus flavours remind me of the warm summer days in the countryside. Can imagine at least one cyclist picking this from his picnic basket on a break. Absolutely beautiful beer.


Since this brew at least almost has the reputation of a classic in Finland, the natural choice for a classic cycling track gets picked.
Queen: Bicycle Race (YouTube)
From the 1978 album Jazz, the song was written by Freddie Mercury.