Haastattelussa Kanadan Kotiolutmestari Cory Day

”Kanada!” on aina oikea vastaus. Kotiolutpostin haastateltavana Cory Day – Brewer of the year.

Cory Day on tunnettu kotiolutvaikuttaja Kanadassa. Hänet löytää useasti puhujan pömpelistä erilaisissa kotiolutseminaareissa. Äärimmäisen kilpailuviettisenä miehenä herra Day löydetäänkin usein paikallisten kotiolutkilpailujen osallistujalistasta ja hyvin usein myös palkintopallilta.

Tekemisen tasosta kertoo paljon että hän on Kanadan kotiolutkisojen mestari vuosina 2017, 2018, 2019. Näitä pippaloita ei ihan niin vain voitetakaan sillä kilpailijoita on satoja ja on pärjättävä usealla kierroksella putkeen että pisteet riittävät valintaan.

Kyselimme vähän miekkosen tuntemuksia ja mietteitä oluen panemisesta.

cory day

Cory Day. Kuva: Canadian Homebrewers Association

Can you tell me about yourself?

I’m a dad who lives in British Columbia Canada with two kids aged 6 and 10. I coach soccer for both their teams. 3 time Canadian Homebrewing champion. I’m a director of sales operations professionally.

What is your homebrewing experience?

I started brewing about 10 years ago. I needed a hobby to keep me occupied during due times and made a bet with a friend I could learn to make beer and make one worthy of a homebrew competition within one year. The rest is history.

You have won Brewer Of The Year Multiple times, can you tell us about competition itself

The Brewer Of The Year -competition (BOTY) is a Canadian circuit that has 10 to 12 competitions in a year.  You have to compete in all of them and at the end of the year they calculate who’s had the most points.  I believe there are over 200 participants each year.  I’ve won well over 100 medals in almost all the different categories and have met and competed against some amazingly talented brewers across the country.

Do you still remember your first beer, how did it end up?

Yes I still have a bottle of it.  It was awful and tasted like tires and burnt hair.

Any tips for homebrewing beginners?

Temp control, oxygenate and pitch a lot  of yeast. Make friends in the homebrew community. It’s a great group if people who always seem willing to help. I use Twitter a lot to communicate with homebrewers across the country. Your readers are free follow me and reach out if they have any questions @bernerpark is my handle.

Is there book that every homebrewer should read?

I like modern homebrew recipes by Gordon Strong. It’s a good format for a homebrew book with useful insights and considerations. Yeast by Chris WhiteJamil Zainasheff is also very good.

Is there beerstyle that is clearly canadian, or should be?

I think the truly Canadian style is yet to be found. We like our beers strong though.

 Have you noticed beerstyles that are clearly now trending on homebrewing?

I find that trending beers usually start with homebrewers and find their way into breweries.

Does brewers in Canada have continental difficulties, like water profile etc.

that always need adjusting before brew etc. Depends on where you live.  Canada is huge.  In bc our water is very soft though to the east in Alberta it’s very hard.  So it is all very regional.

In your opinion, do you think that coronavirus has increased brewing hobby?

I am not sure.  I think corona virus has disconnected us all a bit so new homebrewers may not have access to experienced homebrewers through their clubs which I think hurts. Some may be brewing more but no one to share it with makes it a bit of a drag.

What is most popular homebrewing community on canada?

Nationally there is a group called Canadian Homebrewers Association which helps connect brewers locally the clubs run their own pages to connect and exchange ideas. They are amazingly inclusive and open to new and experienced homebrewers. Also I like the American homebrewers association website for forum and recipe ideas.

What is THE beer you would take on desert island?

Depends on season. Lol. I love Fullers ESB in the winter, in the summer I really like a good witbier from a local brewery.

Do you have any beer recipe that you could share with our readers?

67 % pils
15 % Munich
15 % Vienna
3 % aromatic
Bittering 13 IBU Hallertau
20 minutes left in boil 5 IBU Hallertau
5 minutes left in boil 1.5 IBU Tettnanger
Mash 50 minutes at 147F (63.88 Celsius)
Mash 30 minutes 158F (70 Celsius)
Fg 1.011
Yeast Saflager 3470 or white lab 833.

Kuva: Canadian Homebrewers Association